Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You've got to Start Blogging Now!

Blogging is one of the fastest ways to start making money online because the the traffic getting part is already automated for you. So I thought of writing this blog post to clarify how.

What is a blog?
A blog is an online journal and is organized of small units called posts, which are equal to web pages in other types of websites. These blog posts are easy and likely to be crawled and indexed fast by major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Also blogs are totally automated and you don't have to know about HTML to start one.

Thats why blogging are more popular than starting a regular website, best blogging sites are blogger, wordpress and typepad .

Blog Income

Blogs are easy to attract visitors thanks to the RSS technology which will syndicate the posts to all communities and sites that concern specific niches and display feed for them. You can easily convert traffic at your blog to make money from adsense and affiliate links. I expect that withen a couple of days if every thing is done right you will start seeing free visitors flowing to your blog.

Blog Posts

When you start your blog you will not need to host a website and spend money, the only raw material for this business is your copy in the blog posts. You can write about specific niche topics, tips, product reviews and stories. The most important part of each post is the title of the post and the Keywords, or Labels , because the title is what people will see on the feeds and the more attractive and informative your title tag is the more visitors you will see. The keywords are good to make your feed visible in as many groups and for many searches as possible.

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